X Easy-access Vistas in Hawaii

No matter where you holiday in Hawaii, the view is always spectacular, and there literally isn’t a bad seat in the house. Not only are there 6 islands to choose from, with glorious beaches, amazing food, wonderful entertainment and hospitable locals, but they are all so easy to get to.

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[photo not mine]

There’s nothing better than watching the sun go down in Hawaii, and if you make the trip up to the volcanoes, the view of the starts will be unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. This post by cheapflights.com.au takes a look at some of the best easy-access vistas in Hawaii this year.

Kaua’i - Lalalau Valley lookout

 Standing at over 4000 feet, the Kalalau lookout offers one of the most amazing vistas on the island. Reaching out against the sun, ocean and magnificent beauty of the island, the view is as moving as it is incredible. Luckily, Hawaii has some of the best weather in the world, and on a clear day you can see right out to the surrounding islands, as well as Kalalau Valley.

Sometimes when it is raining, the humidity from the forests rises up into the clouds, and you’ll find yourself looking out onto clouds! Kalalau valley has a number of hiking trails that extend all the way around the volcano and hills, so if you’re looking for a bit of adventure you can even walk to the rim of the canyon.

Maui – The Road to Hana

 There are more than enough scenic drives on the islands of Hawaii to keep you and your family entertained, however the most impressive of all is the ‘big kahuna’. The road to Hana, or the ‘Hana Hwy’, winds all the way down into the valleys and the jungle below, and you’ll be peering over massive cliffs and razor-sharp edges as you make your way to the bottom. From waterfalls to monkeys, the sights you will see on this journey will make the trip instantly worthwhile, and you’ll also be free to stop off and explore your surroundings.

If you’ve got time to spare, why not hike into the forests, or take a dip in the waterfalls! Once at the bottom, you’ll find a number of sleepy villages that will welcome you, offer you food and even provide accommodation if you need it. Furthermore, there are various ancient temples in the area too, so be sure to set your alarm early to see them in all their glory.

about_photo_kalalauMoloka’i – Kalaupapa Overlook

 Another one of Hawaii’s great vistas can be found at Pala’au State Park. The Kalaupapa Overlook offers amazing views of the Peninsula 1600 foot up, and it’s a great place to take some photographs. As you descend down the cliff via the various trails and paths, you’ll feel the air pressure change, and the view of the surrounding islands will become a lot clearer. When it rains, a lot of condensation is created, but as you make your way down to the forests below you’ll be able to see the Kauhako Crater, the magnificent dormant volcano.

disclaimer: photos used in this post are not mine


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