Travel tales new haven

A buffer site?

Not really. This might be a permanent transfer.

My solely travel blog will expire in few days and I do not have plans of renewing it anymore.  My blogging career has ultimately gone down the drain because of so many reasons. It is not that I do not love to blog, I still do but there are so many factors that reminds me that blogging is not a priority.  I have no plans of stopping work so I can blog full time, although I have this in mind from time to time.  Even just by the thought of it makes me want to slap my face so I can wake up to reality.

But it can be! Why not? Right.   well, it's just me day dreaming of having a freelance online job.

This blog will be my travel home blog for now.  It's suppose to be and want it to be directly changed it to blogspot. But blogger said, the name is no longer available, so for here it's --


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