I Did Something Crazy!!!

Love is an Open Door! The first thing that comes to mind after I did something crazy!

I am singing "I did something crazy!instead of "can i say something crazy?"..." And oh how I wish someone will answer, "I love crazy!" But nobody will because what I did is not really funny!  especially for my host. I think she almost had a heart attack!  Good  thing she is fit and strong, so she just felt sad for me.

I am not really sad of what I did.  I was not in my right mind when I tried cleaning up folders in my cpanel.  I thought I just deleted stuff one by one, but after awhile, I discovered all the folders gone!

I messaged my ever-patient host to check up my cpanel and indeed all the folders are gone!  In other words - All my blogs are gone! @^@


I thought it is goodbye forever.  I thought there is no hope of getting it back but good news, "some are saved in a database" and I guess it can be retrieved with a fee.  I am just praying that it would not be that much.

Actually, my heart is not in pain.  I was not in my right mind when I started to "clean up" the wrong way, some of the folders. I was kind of upset because at the start of this month, my bandwidth has gone beyond its limits and even if it is upgraded, the next day, it is just gone.  Now that the blog is gone, I hope the invisible momowill backed out.

I thought of making a draft about my 2015 and when I tried logging in I cannot again!!!  The perks of knowing the username and pw - so delete lahat! Can i laugh out loud! as in ha ha ha? Na naa nay boang diri! ha ha ha

Now you know, that I something really crazy!

Sigi lang, I am hyper to start from #1.  So here are my  Blogging goals 2016:

1. Get to know the ins of your blogging career. lols! I never did find time because I always say I am not techy. I leave it all to my ever accommodating host.  Now the result of not being techy, I deleted by blogs!

2. Integrate all niches in one blog.  So eventually, www.ilovepostcrossing.info will not be renewed anymore.  I will try to have it as a subdomain of www.sunshineleneforlife.com

3. Manage to update and at least a single one per week. Gone are the days when I could make 2-3 posts a day (early times of my blogging career)

And when the strength from the Lord, I promised I will do this!


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